
Cairo programs directed straight to Ethereum through SHARP differ from Cairo contracts deployed to StarkNet. This page addresses SHARP-based programs only. They are the original Cairo program style, and are the most generic, free-form and flexible.

Minimum Verifiable Program

This is the structure of the most basic Cairo program. Comments are anything with “#” before it, the rest is code.

func main():
    # Code goes here
    return ()

See run instructions for how to execute this code.

It doesn’t do anything, there is no need to prove that.

That could be fun though. If you sent this to a prover, it could generate a proof that this program (that does nothing) exists and the inputs (none) were used to produce the outputs (none).

The key here is the hash of the program. This is unfakeable. The proof references the hash.

# Program hash (of empty skeleton program).

Moreover, the proof references the outputs of the program too. There are none!

Program outputs

Now it’s time to add some.

# Import output for serialize function.
%builtins output
# Module to send values as an output.
from starkware.cairo.common.serialize import serialize_word

# The output pointer is passed to the function {implicitly}.
# A felt is an integer. A felt* is a pointer to an integer.
func main{output_ptr : felt*}():
    # The number 999 is passed as an output.
    return ()

Okay, what does this do? Well, firstly, the program is now different. It has a different hash!

# Program hash (of "parrot 999" program).

We have a program, that outputs the number 999. That is a fact that this program produces, and a proof can be built to confirm that. The will be saved in the fact registry by the SHARP proving service, which won’t be explained right now.

The important part here is the fact of the matter! As a matter of fact, the program fact starts with 0x1c7a9. It is calculated as keccak(program_hash, output_hash). Read more about the hash calculation here. The fact is what the proof will attest to, it is a unique hash that represents the one-of-a-kind output/program pair.

# python code, join the fun and calculate the fact!
from web3 import Web3
program_hash = 0x2b34246e5fd6a6340df207ba3ec2bd6ff6b93bd2787bcce496188d27c62a172
program_output = [999]
output_hash = Web3.solidityKeccak(['uint256[]'], [program_output])
fact = Web3.solidityKeccak(
    ['uint256', 'bytes32'],
    [program_hash, output_hash])
# fact: 0x1c7a9613bf5780e4b53dd3dee5dd39051dfe6794a24ae567a3541326ef8c5a4b

Okay so on Ethereum there may now exist a Solidity contract prepared to confirm that the program and outputs identifiable by the hash 0x1c7a9... represent the output of a real Cairo program. Powerful stuff…

999 confirmed!

Fending off Fraud

But what would that be useful for? Well, not much, but this is progress. Another contract could have the program hash 0x2b342 saved in storage. A user could come to that contract and make the claim “the program output is 555, I claim the prize”.

That contract, reticent to deliver the prize to anyone who makes a false claim, could do the following:

// Solidity code!
// The contract already knows cairoProgramHash_ = 0x2b342...
// It also knows the verifier contract address (cairoVerifier_)
function claimPrize(uint256[] memory programOutput)
    // Get the output hash for the fraudulent 555.
    bytes32 outputHash = keccak256(
    // Calculate the fact, just like the python version.
    bytes32 fact = keccak256(
        abi.encodePacked(cairoProgramHash_, outputHash));
    // Call the verifier contract (on speed-dial).
    // Revert before prize delivery!

The call to the verifier contract isValid(fact) method would return false, causing the Ethereum transaction to revert. There is no fact registered for a hash based on the fraudulent 555 output, and as such, no prize is delivered.

Well. That DOES seem useful, at least empirically. But anyone looking at the Cairo code can read the number 999, and use that to make their claim at the prize. Not so interesting. It is time to introduce user input.

User input

Users can feed values to a Cairo program. The program can use these inputs for various tasks, such as executing a transfer or a trade. The program hash does not depend on the inputs. In the code below, the user creates a .json file with their input.

    "user_id": 5467

Their ID is already known to the prize contract, so they can put that into the program to identify themselves.

%builtins output
from starkware.cairo.common.serialize import serialize_word

func main{output_ptr : felt*}():
    # Declare that a local variable will be used.
    # Make user_id a reference to a local integer.
    local id : felt
    # Run a python hint to access a .json file
        # python code accesses the user input. = program_input['user_id']
    # Add the user ID an output.
    return ()

Fantastic. Now anyone who runs this new program will be creating two outputs. For this user, the output is [5467, 999], which as discussed above, becomes part of the fact that the proof attests to.

Now the solidity contract can ensure that prize claims are only made by existing users of the prize contract.

This is how a user can input values into a Cairo program for custom Cairo programs sent through SHARP. However, user input for programs sent to StarkNet have a different workflow. This will be discussed elsewhere.