Data types
There is only one data type in Cairo: a
field element, or felt
A field element is best considered an unsigned 252-bit integer (uint252) for practical purposes.
Short strings up to 31 ASCII characters can be used, but they are represented internally
as felt
%lang starknet
%builtins range_check
func echo_world(
user_number : felt
) -> (
user_number_echoed : felt,
short_string : felt,
mangled_string : felt,
hello_string : felt,
# Short strings are ASCII encoded humbers.
# They are identified by single quotation marks.
# They are actually just numbers (felts), not true strings.
# 'ab' = a:61 b:62 = 0x6162 = 24930
let short_string = 'ab'
# Adding to a string does not make sense.
# 24930 + 1 = 24931 = 0x6163 = a:61 c:63 = 'ac'
let mangled_string = short_string + 1
# h 68 e 65 l 6c l 6c o 6f
# 0x68656c6c6f = 448378203247
let hello_string = 'hello'
return (user_number, short_string, mangled_string, hello_string)
Things to note:
- The new string representation is an ASCII-lookup conversion of two hex characters to one ASCII character. Adding strings does not perform concatenation, it performs addition of the underlying felts.
Save as contracts/data_types.cairo
nile compile
Or compile this specific contract
nile compile contracts/data_types.cairo
Make a new file called
and populate it:
import pytest
import asyncio
from starkware.starknet.testing.starknet import Starknet
# Enables modules.
def event_loop():
return asyncio.new_event_loop()
# Reusable to save testing time.
async def contract_factory():
starknet = await Starknet.empty()
contract = await starknet.deploy("contracts/data_types.cairo")
return starknet, contract
async def test_contract(contract_factory):
starknet, contract = contract_factory
# Read from contract
response = await contract.echo_world(10).call()
assert response.result == (10, 24930, 24931, 448378203247)
Run the test
pytest tests/
Local Deployment
Deploy to the local devnet.
nile deploy data_types --alias data_types
nile call data_types echo_world 10
10 24930 24931 448378203247
Public deployment
Will default to the Goerli/alpha testnet until mainnet is available.
nile deploy data_types --alias data_types --network mainnet
🚀 Deploying data_types
🌕 artifacts/data_types.json successfully deployed to 0x076ee2784726bf5a29edbcd8fdce5524416f0a06260ef83547d0151af1215d90
📦 Registering deployment as data_types in mainnet.deployments.txt
Deployments can be viewed in the voyager explorer