Protocol poking
Abstractions in pen;
protocols for protocols.
Recipes for glue
This post is mostly a wandering journey looking at impacts of “EIP-4444: History Expiry” (a facet of The Purge), which necessitates alternative history access. The Portal Network is positioned to provide that access, and I am interested in what are the flow on effects of “sweeping away” history.
What will it be like to use a light-weight client?
What are some pieces that are important in the story?
I start out poking around with a few ideas. That leads to some code, then to a spec, and a few other ideas. I hope you enjoy this informal journey with me.
Really it started with this kernel of an idea:
Introspection on ones own wallet is not really possible without a bit
of trust-hand-waving or a trusty dedicated ubuntu machine.
But it could be! The ingredients seem to be there at least.
prōtos “first” + kolla “glue”
Part | Question | Answer |
Part I: Musing | Is there an underserved user in the history-expiry roadmap? | Yes, a regular wallet user |
Part II: Code | Can you divide a useful index into tiny useful parts? | Yes, prototype |
Part III: Specifying | Could other clients use a divided index? | Yes, with a spec |
Part IV: Examining | Does a divided index result in anything useful? | Yes, personal history |
Part V: Remotes | Can remote resources make tx history human-readable? | Yes, through decoding and ABIs |
Part VI: Acquisitions | Can useful remote resources become distributed? | Yes, by generalising a format |
Part VII: Coalesce | Is a local, lighthweight personal history browser a good idea? | It’s plausibly so |
Part VIII: Hoovering | Can private API-based database curators coexist with distributed database design? | Yes, by standards for distribution |
If you like, these are the spoilers that came out of this:
- A meta-specification for a “Volumes and Chapters” publishing model.
- A formula for making data updateable, shardable and publisher-agnostic.
- Updateable (CIDs never change)
- Shardable (users can get subsets that are relevant to them)
- Publishser-agnostic (publishing is a protocol that anyone can follow)
- It is a meta-spec because it is a spec that other specs can comply with.
- A formula for making data updateable, shardable and publisher-agnostic.
- A rust library using generics to implement the “Volumes and Chapters” publishing model.
- Allows arbitrary datastructures/databases to be converted into a “Volumes and Chapters” publishing model.
- A specification for transformation of the UnchainedIndex into a “Volumes and Chapters” publishing model.
- Used to discover your own transactions with minimal data
- Complies with the “Volumes and Chapters” TODD meta-spec.
- A smart contract standard for publishing.
- The “Volumes and Chapters” meta-spec outlines a manifest-based publishing model.
- A smart contract allows cencorship-resistant posting of IPNS names and publishing topics.
- A simple address exploration rust application that puts everything together.
- Tries to get wallet history with <1GB data and no APIs
- Essentially consists of
- An experimental “Volumes and Chapters” variant of the UnchainedIndex.
- A Portal node.
- The Heimdall decompiler.
- (TODO) Experimental “Volumes and Chapters” variants of 4byte registry, Sourcify and a names/tags database.
The direction of this user interface demo is something like:
[User: Clicks on their wallet]
Address 0x846b...4cb9 (imagine this is "your-wallet")
Has had 2 transactions
Transaction 1
- WETH Deposit
- to UniswapV2-router
- wad 140000000000000000 (0.14 tokens)
- WETH Transfer
- from UniswapV2-router
- to UniswapV2-pair
- wad 140000000000000000 (0.14 tokens)
- LABRA Transfer
- from UniswapV2-pair
- to your-wallet
- amount 55479990315601131228 (55479990315 tokens)
- UniswapV2 Sync
- reserve0 27434359272513446845001
- reserve1 67780564455540887653
- UniswapV2 Swap
- sender UniswapV2-router
- amount0In 31062407892934044
- amount1In 140000000000000000
- amount0Out 56612235015919521660
- amount1Out 0
- to your-wallet
Transaction 2
- ...
- some loan
- a multisig approval
- a NFT acquisition
- ...
It’s a little plain, but it is also evident what “transaction 1” is roughly about. This interface is possible in a resource constrained device in a post-EIP-4444 world. Where the full decentralised local mini-account explorer for a user could be <1GB.
Using theoretical combination of:
- Portal network client
- Pieces of special distributable databases:
- An index of address appearances
- An event signature database
- A contract ABI database
- A broadcasting system to get the manifests of:
- The index
- The event signature database
- The contract ABI database
The how-s and the why-s are covered in post-s.
Here is a diagram of the idea. Scan for the 4 appearances of the word “BONUS” so find the interesting parts. The game is to get to the bottom without using an API.
For higher resolution, try the SVG version.