Maps are created with storage functions with one or more parameter fields. Nested maps are created by adding more parameters:

  • func map_a(key : felt) -> (value : felt).
    • Equivalent to map_a[key].
  • func map_b(key1 : felt, key2 : felt) -> (value : felt).
    • Equivalent to map_b[key1][key2].
%lang starknet
%builtins pedersen range_check

from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_builtins import HashBuiltin
from import Storage

# A single value.
func store_a() -> (count : felt):

# A single mapping of key -> value.
# Specific id_number -> count.
func store_b(id_number : felt) -> (count : felt):

# Nested mapping of key1 and key2 -> value
# Specific item size and item price combination -> count.
# Within a storage type (large_cheap, small_expensive).
func store_c(size : felt, price : felt) -> (count : felt):

func record_inventory{
        storage_ptr : Storage*, pedersen_ptr : HashBuiltin*,
        range_check_ptr}(a_val : felt, b_id : felt, b_val : felt,
        c_size : felt, c_price : felt, c_val : felt):

    store_b.write(b_id, b_val)
    store_c.write(c_size, c_price, c_val)
    return ()

func read_inventory{
        storage_ptr : Storage*, pedersen_ptr : HashBuiltin*,
        range_check_ptr}(b_id : felt, c_size : felt,
        c_price : felt) -> (storage_a : felt, storage_b : felt,
        storage_c : felt):
    # Read the requested parts of each inventory.
    # "let (local xyz)" = func() pattern is used for function return values.

    let (local count_a) =
    let (local count_b) =
    let (local count_c) =, c_price)
    return (count_a, count_b, count_c)

Save as mapping.cairo.


Then, to compile:

starknet-compile mapping.cairo \
    --output mapping_compiled.json \
    --abi mapping_contract_abi.json


Then, to deploy:

starknet deploy --contract mapping_compiled.json \

Deploy transaction was sent.
Contract address: 0x03408bba79d86ab45ee5ee2b93f36c7fac8786baf6f05d6a666d1d9aa239c86d.
Transaction ID: 497986.

Note: Remove the zero after the x, 0x[0]12345. E.g., 0x0123abc becomes 0x123abc.


Check the status of the transaction:

starknet tx_status --network=alpha --id=497986

    "block_id": 23910,
    "tx_status": "PENDING"

The block and the contract


Then, to interact, set the inputs to match the order they appear. In this case, recording the inventory of

  • 100 type A goods
  • 3030 type B goods (with ID 37)
  • 44 type C goods that are size 9889, and price $12.
a_val b_id b_val c_size c_price c_val
100   37   3030  9889   12      44
starknet invoke \
    --network=alpha \
    --address 0x3408bba79d86ab45ee5ee2b93f36c7fac8786baf6f05d6a666d1d9aa239c86d \
    --abi mapping_contract_abi.json \
    --function record_inventory \
    --inputs 100 37 3030 9889 12 44

Invoke transaction was sent.
Contract address: 0x03408bba79d86ab45ee5ee2b93f36c7fac8786baf6f05d6a666d1d9aa239c86d.
Transaction ID: 497987.
starknet tx_status --network=alpha --id=497987

    "block_id": 23911,
    "tx_status": "PENDING"

Read the inventory, specifying the nature of the items from b and c that were stored in the last transaction:

b_id c_size c_price
37   9889   12

Where invoke requires a transaction, call does not.

starknet call \
    --network=alpha \
    --address 0x3408bba79d86ab45ee5ee2b93f36c7fac8786baf6f05d6a666d1d9aa239c86d \
    --abi mapping_contract_abi.json \
    --function read_inventory \
    --inputs 37 9889 12

100 3030 44

Status options:

  • NOT_RECEIVED: The transaction has not been received yet (i.e., not written to storage).
  • RECEIVED: The transaction was received by the operator.
    • PENDING: The transaction passed the validation and is waiting to be sent on-chain.
      • REJECTED: The transaction failed validation and thus was skipped.
      • ACCEPTED_ONCHAIN: The transaction was accepted on-chain.

Visit the voyager explorer to see the transactions.