The Cairo common library has modules for some common operations.

The following are available:

  • Not zero:
    • assert_not_zero(val). Asserts that val is not zero.
  • Not equal:
    • assert_not_equal(a, b). Asserts that a is not equal to b.
  • Not negative:
    • assert_nn(val). Asserts that val is not negative.
  • Less than or equal to:
    • assert_le(a, b). Asserts that a is less than or equal to b.
  • Less than:
    • assert_lt(a, b). Asserts that a is less than b.
  • Not negative and less than or equal to:
    • assert_nn_le(). Asserts that a is both not negative and less than or equal to b.
  • In range:
    • assert_in_range(val, a, b). Asserts that val is both greater than or equal to a, and less than b.
  • 250-bit:
    • assert_250_bit(val). Asserts that val is smaller then the maximum value in 250-bit space.
  • Split felt:
    • split_felt(val). Returns high and low parts of val.
    • See integer lifts.
  • Less than or equal to (with split felt):
    • assert_le_felt(a, b). Asserts that a is less than or equal to b using split felt method.
    • See integer lifts
  • Less than (with split felt):
    • assert_lt_felt(a, b). Asserts that a is less than b using split felt method.
    • See integer lifts
  • Absolute value:
    • abs_value(val). Returns val as a positive value.
  • Sign:
    • sign(val). Returns one of -1, 0 or 1 for a val that is negative, zero or positive respectively.
  • Unsigned division remainder:
    • unsigned_div_rem(value, div). Returns the quotient q and remainder r from integer division of value/div as positive values.
  • Signed division remainder:
    • signed_div_rem(value, div). Returns the quotient q and remainder r from integer division of value/div, with quotient sign either positive or negative.
    • Handles integer and modulo operations with negative numbers the same way Python does, where -100 // 3 returns -34 and -100 % 3 returns 2.
%lang starknet
%builtins pedersen range_check

from starkware.cairo.common.math import (
    assert_not_zero, assert_not_equal, assert_nn, assert_le, assert_lt, assert_nn_le, assert_in_range, assert_250_bit, split_felt, assert_le_felt, assert_lt_felt, abs_value, sign, unsigned_div_rem, signed_div_rem)

# Accepts two numbers for integer division (signed, unsigned).
# Demonstrates successful cases of math operations.
func check_values{range_check_ptr}(
    num_1: felt, num_2: felt) -> (
    u_quot: felt, u_rem: felt, s_quot: felt, s_rem: felt):

    # assert_not_zero(0)  # Fails.

    assert_not_equal(100, 150)
    # assert_not_equal(100, 100)  # Fails.

    # assert_nn(0)  # Fails.

    assert_le(100, 150)
    assert_le(100, 100)
    # assert_le(100, 50)  # Fails.

    assert_lt(100, 150)
    # assert_lt(100, 100)  # Fails.
    # assert_lt(100, 150)  # Fails.

    assert_nn_le(100, 150)
    # assert_nn_le(-100, 150)  # Fails.
    # assert_nn_le(100, 50)  # Fails.

    assert_in_range(150, 100, 200)
    assert_in_range(150, -100, 200)
    # assert_in_range(50, 100, 200)  # Fails.

    assert_250_bit(2**250 - 1)
    # assert_250_bit(2**250)  # Fails.
    # assert_250_bit(-100)  # Fails.

    let (high_1, low_1) = split_felt(100 * 2**128 + 150)
    assert high_1 = 100  # Just crosses mid-point (128 bits)
    assert low_1 = 150

    let (high_2, low_2) = split_felt(100 * 2**130 + 150)
    assert high_2 = 100 * 2 ** 2  # A bit more than high_1
    assert low_2 = 150

    assert_le_felt(150, 200)
    assert_le_felt(150, 150)
    # assert_le_felt(150, 50)  # Fails.

    assert_lt_felt(150, 200)
    # assert_lt_felt(150, 150)  Fails.
    # assert_lt_felt(150, 50)  Fails.

    let (local a) = abs_value(-150)
    assert a = 150

    let (local b) = sign(0)
    assert b = 0
    let (local c) = sign(-50)
    assert c = -1

    let (local d, e) = unsigned_div_rem(100, 3)
    assert d = 33
    assert e = 1

    let (local u_quot, u_rem) = unsigned_div_rem(num_1, num_2)

    # This check must be less than 2 ** 64
    let RANGE_CHECK_BOUND = 2 ** 20

    let (local f, g) = signed_div_rem(-100, 3, RANGE_CHECK_BOUND)
    # To have these asserts pass, the -1 and +1 have been added to
    # the expected values.
    assert f = -34
    assert g = 3

    let (local s_quot, s_rem) = signed_div_rem(-num_1, num_2,

    return (u_quot, u_rem, s_quot, s_rem)

Save as math.cairo.


Then, to compile:

starknet-compile math.cairo \
    --output math_compiled.json \
    --abi math_contract_abi.json


Then, to deploy:

starknet deploy --contract math_compiled.json \

Deploy transaction was sent.
Contract address: 0x069c755d08c37685d6a1705277c59567fe1f764d009354d8987ea49d134dcc73
Transaction ID: 169365

Note: Remove the zero after the x, 0x[0]12345. E.g., 0x0123abc becomes 0x123abc.


Check the status of the transaction:

starknet tx_status --network=alpha --id=169365

    "block_id": 38624
    "tx_status": "PENDING"

The block and the contract


Then, to interact supply a divisor and remainder (1000, 501):

starknet call \
    --network=alpha \
    --address 0x69c755d08c37685d6a1705277c59567fe1f764d009354d8987ea49d134dcc73 \
    --abi math_contract_abi.json \
    --function check_values \
    --inputs 1000 501

1 499 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020479 2

Recall that the prime used for Cairo is:

>>> prime = 2**251 + 17 * 2**192 + 1`
>>> prime

So the result (...0479) is two less than the largest number (...0481), it is therefore equivalent to -2.

So the result for signed_div_rem(-1000, 501) is (-2, 2), which matches the Python equivalent:

>>> -1000 // 501
>>> -1000 % 501

Status options:

  • NOT_RECEIVED: The transaction has not been received yet (i.e., not written to storage).
  • RECEIVED: The transaction was received by the operator.
    • PENDING: The transaction passed the validation and is waiting to be sent on-chain.
      • REJECTED: The transaction failed validation and thus was skipped.
      • ACCEPTED_ONCHAIN: The transaction was accepted on-chain.

Visit the voyager explorer to see the transactions.