A tuple may contain different variable types. Elements are accessed using indices. Where a tuple is passed to a function, the address of the tuple is sent using &tuple.

%lang starknet

from starkware.cairo.common.alloc import alloc
from starkware.cairo.common.registers import get_fp_and_pc

func read_tuple() -> (value : felt):
    # A tuple is defined.
    local felt_tuple : (felt, felt, felt, felt) = (9, 8, 7, 18)

    # Access the tuple at the selected index.
    # Cannot pass a variable index (e.g as function input).
    let val = felt_tuple[3]
    return (val)

func pass_tuple(index_1 : felt, index_2 : felt) -> (sum : felt):
    # A tuple is passed by sending the address of the tuple.

    # A tuple is defined.
    local the_tuple : (felt, felt, felt, felt) = (4, 6, 8, 13)

    # Get the value of the fp register.
    let (__fp__, _) = get_fp_and_pc()
    let (total) = get_sum(&the_tuple, index_1, index_2)
    return (total)

func get_sum(tuple_pointer : felt*, idx_1 : felt, idx_2 : felt) -> (
    total : felt):

    let sum = tuple_pointer[idx_1] + tuple_pointer[idx_2]
    return (sum)

Save as tuple.cairo.


Then, to compile:

starknet-compile tuple.cairo \
    --output tuple_compiled.json \
    --abi tuple_contract_abi.json


Then, to deploy:

starknet deploy --contract tuple_compiled.json \

Deploy transaction was sent.
Contract address: 0x03ccdbcc56abccda2a9ba7a9620f5ed7873f79674e50a381f1752180d9118cb7.
Transaction ID: 537139.

Note: Remove the zero after the x, 0x[0]12345. E.g., 0x0123abc becomes 0x123abc.


Check the status of the transaction:

starknet tx_status --network=alpha --id=537139

    "block_id": 25632,
    "tx_status": "PENDING"

The block and the contract


Then, to interact:

starknet invoke \
    --network=alpha \
    --address 0x3ccdbcc56abccda2a9ba7a9620f5ed7873f79674e50a381f1752180d9118cb7 \
    --abi tuple_contract_abi.json \
    --function pass_tuple \
    --inputs 2 3

Invoke transaction was sent.
Contract address: 0x03ccdbcc56abccda2a9ba7a9620f5ed7873f79674e50a381f1752180d9118cb7.
Transaction ID: 537162.

Status options:

  • NOT_RECEIVED: The transaction has not been received yet (i.e., not written to storage).
  • RECEIVED: The transaction was received by the operator.
    • PENDING: The transaction passed the validation and is waiting to be sent on-chain.
      • REJECTED: The transaction failed validation and thus was skipped.
      • ACCEPTED_ONCHAIN: The transaction was accepted on-chain.

Visit the voyager explorer to see the transactions.