Variables may be aliased or evaluated:
- Aliased
- Value Reference:
let a = 5
. - Expression Reference:
let a = x
.- An alias may be evaluated with
assert a = b
(checks x equals b).
- An alias may be evaluated with
- Value Reference:
- Evaluated
- Temporary variable:
tempvar a = 5 * b
. - Local:
local a = 5 * b
. - Constant:
const a = 5
- Temporary variable:
A variable may be assigned to a function output:
let (a) = foo()
.let (local a) = foo()
%lang starknet
%builtins pedersen range_check
from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_builtins import HashBuiltin
# Constant variables defined here are available to all functions.
# E.g., const my_const_2 = 10
# All persistent state appears in @storage_var
func persistent_state() -> (res : felt):
func use_variables{
syscall_ptr : felt*,
pedersen_ptr : HashBuiltin*,
alloc_locals # needed for "local" variables.
# Transient, revocable felt (reference).
let my_reference = 50
# Redefine reference.
let my_reference = 51
# Transient, revocable expression (temporary variable).
tempvar my_tempvar = 2 * my_reference
# Redefine tempvar.
tempvar my_tempvar = 3 * my_reference
# Transient, non-revocable felt (constant).
const my_const = 60
# Cannot redefine const (const my_const = 61)
# Transient, non-revocable expression (local). Requires alloc_locals.
local my_local = 70
# Cannot redefine local (local my_local = 71).
# Persistent (@storage_var) storage, without a variable.
# Redefine state.
# A variable can be assigned to a function output:
# let (my_var) = func().
let (my_reference_2) =
let (local my_local_2) =
assert my_local_2 = 81
return ()
Things to note:
- Locals are good when you want to assert that a variable has a certain value. If you use a reference with an assert statement, the reference is redefined (it assigns rather than checks). By using a local, the contract would perform the check and halt with an error.
Save as contracts/variables.cairo
nile compile
Or compile this specific contract
nile compile contracts/variables.cairo
Local Deployment
Deploy to the local devnet.
nile deploy variables --alias variables
nile call variables use_variables
Public deployment
Will default to the Goerli/alpha testnet until mainnet is available.
nile deploy variables --alias variables --network mainnet
🚀 Deploying variables
🌕 artifacts/variables.json successfully deployed to 0x025dd2b60d1439b9e65a972930b8c5a35b3fdb0f50d523abdf3faa87dd42c79d
📦 Registering deployment as variables in mainnet.deployments.txt
Deployments can be viewed in the voyager explorer