A Cairo contract that accepts a Merkle proof and then registers user-DOPE mapping in the userRegistry.

The purpose is to allow asset holders (DOPE, PAPER) to register ownership on L2 by providing a Merkle proof of ownership. Avoids L1 gas cost completely.


  • A snapshot of L1 DOPE owners is made at some L1 block height
  • The list of dopeID-publicKey pair entries is modified
    • A system for sorting DOPE NFTs into efficient discrete categories is made. For example if the game has mechanisms for probabilistic [fights, muggings, bribes], each NFT is assigned a factor (out of 200) for each, where 100 is no effect, 80 is 0.8x. The factors may be based on the trait rarity.
      • E.g., NFT has rare weapon, common shoes, rare ring: their stats might be [1.4, 0.7, 1.3]
      • Or the classification might be categorical E.g., NFT has rare weapon, common shoes, rare ring: their stats might be high-low-high [2, 1, 2].
  • The user provides the Merkle proof using their Ethereum public key to sign a message
  • The contract accepts the traits provided in the proof and stores them in userRegistry.cairo. Games may then be spawned from this registry without needing additional merkle proofs.

Mechanism design is a WIP. The alternative is to use a L1toL2 message.