The StarkNet command line interface (CLI) is used to interact with a contract.cairo file locally, or a contract already deployed to StarkNet. The full CLI implementation is here.



starknet-compile contract.cairo \
    --output contract_compiled.json \
    --abi contract_abi.json

This is special in that the command is hyphenated. The contract to be compiled is specified, as is the output file names for both the compiled contract and the ABI.

starknet deploy

starknet deploy --contract compiled_contract.json

The compiled contract is sent to StarkNet for deployment.


starknet deploy --contract compiled_contract.json --address SELECTED_ADDRESS

An optional address SELECTED_ADDRESS specifying where the contract will be deployed. If the address is not specified, the contract will be deployed in a random address.

starknet invoke

starknet invoke \
    --address CONTRACT_ADDRESS \
    --abi abi.json \
    --function FUNCTION \
    --inputs INPUT_1 INPUT_2 INPUT_3 \

A transaction is sent to StarkNet calling the FUNCTION of the contract specified using the inputs as arguments. This command can update a contract state.

starknet call

starknet call \
    --address CONTRACT_ADDRESS \
    --abi abi.json \
    --function FUNCTION \
    --inputs INPUT_1 INPUT_2 INPUT_3

A transaction is sent to StarkNet calling the FUNCTION of the contract specified using the inputs as arguments. This command is read-only.


starknet call \
    --address CONTRACT_ADDRESS \
    --abi abi.json \
    --function FUNCTION \
    --inputs INPUT_1 INPUT_2 INPUT_3 \
    --block_id BLOCK_ID

Passing the BLOCK_ID will execute the call in the context of that block. If not specified, the context used is the latest block.

starknet tx_status

starknet tx_status \
    --id TX_ID

Queries the status of a transaction given its ID.

Possible return values:

  • NOT_RECEIVED: The transaction has not been received yet (i.e., not written to storage).
  • RECEIVED: The transaction was received by the operator.
  • PENDING: The transaction passed the validation and is waiting to be sent on-chain.
  • REJECTED: The transaction failed validation and thus was skipped.
  • ACCEPTED_ONCHAIN: The transaction was accepted on-chain.

starknet get_block

starknet get_block

Outputs the latest block.


starknet get_block \
    --id BLOCK_ID

Outputs the specified block.

starknet get_code

starknet get_code \
    --contract_address CONTRACT_ADDRESS

Gets the bytecode of the specified contract at the latest block.


starknet get_code \
    --contract_address CONTRACT_ADDRESS \
    --block_id BLOCK_ID

Gets the bytecode of the specified contract at the specified block.

starknet get_storage_at

starknet get_storage_at \
    --contract_address CONTRACT_ADDRESS \
    --key KEY

Gets the storage variable of the specified contract at the latest block.

The key is calculated using python and the variable name (E.g., ‘balance’):

from starkware.starknet.public.abi import get_storage_var_address

balance_key = get_storage_var_address('balance')


starknet get_storage_at \
    --contract_address CONTRACT_ADDRESS \
    --key KEY \
    --block_id BLOCK_ID

Gets the storage variable of the specified contract at the specified block.