Ethereum allows Constant Product Market Makers (CPMMs), or Automated Market Makers to flourish. Layer 2 makes small value transactions viable. What magic may arise from the combination?

This is an exploration in to how a community driven game called Dope Wars can be built on StarkNet.



Dope Wars is a is a loot-style contract where players own a minimalistic list of items as a non-fungible (ERC-721) token (DOPE).

The inspiration for the DOPE universe stems from a long line of tersely-termed ‘business simulation games’. Titles include Lemonade Stand and Drug Wars. These games have had small enough game logic to existed on low-capacity devices, such as graphing calculators. StarkNet is a calculator, whose sums are checked and proven by the EVM (another calculator) and made publicly availble for scrutiny by all.

Where calculators enabled some peer to peer gaming with cables in a classroom, StarkNet/EVM pair allow peer to peer gaming with strangers on the internet. With no teacher to shut down the fun!


The game is arbitrage. The goal is trade items for in-game monopoly-money and have the most money at the end of the round. The world consists of locations with markets that have different prices for various items. The players move between locations and make trades. Unpredictable elements, such as theft and market-wide events create instability and arbitrage opportunity. The mechanics are transparent and market prices are always visible, however turns are rate-limited.

The game is interesting because it requires complex plannning, risk management and perhaps some out-of-band social coordination. More on possible mechanics here. The StarkNet backend for the game allows for interesting outcomes, such as the winner of a round to be issued a transferrable trophy.

System Architecture

Core Layer 2 (StarkNet/Cairo)

  • UserRegistry contract that accepts messages from an enshrined L1 contract, and initializes L2 user set. Attributes for each DOPE token are stored here.
  • DopeWarsV1 contract.
    • May call the UserRegistry, selecting attributes for use in the game. (Player customisation pre-game)
    • Stores game state
    • Calls AMM contract for trades.
  • MarketMaker contract.
    • Contains the mechanics for trades. Accepts values for market inventory and user action, executes the trade, returns the values to the game contract.


Two potential mechanisms for getting DOPE NFT characteristics into L2:

  1. claimPlayer L2 Cairo contract that allows user to start on L2 by submitting a merkle proof of ownership of an L1 DOPE NFT.
  2. L1toL2GamePortal L1 Solidity contract that acknowledges the ownership of DOPE and sends a message that L2 can interpret for onboarding/initialization. May accept non-DOPE holders via some PAPER mechanic also.

Game state

  • World
    • gameEnds, block height of end of game.
    • (v2) The potency of effect of a trait on probabilistic events.
      • traitID -> traitPower.
  • Markets
    • Item mappings. Each market has an AMM pool for every item.
      • itemID -> marketID -> itemQuantityHeld
      • itemID -> marketID -> itemMoneyHeld
    • Location mapping. ID is obtained by location.
      • cityID -> suburbID -> markedID
  • Players
    • Ten item mappings and one money mapping.
      • itemID -> quantityHeld
    • (v2) Trait mappings, one per ‘slot’.
      • slotID -> traitID

Game progression

A player taking a turn updates their state, their market’s state and potentially a regional/global state if they trigger some probabilistic event (supply shock).


Events are triggered probabilistically. Mechanism TBD.

Player actions

Players take one action, which is a composite of move-trade.

  • moveTo, a city-suburb tuple (6,3) takes them to city 6, suburb 3.
  • buyOrSell, binary option 0 for buy, 1 for sell.
  • itemID, number in range [1,9]. E.g., 3 is a particular item across all markets.
  • itemQuantity, units to buy/sell. E.g., 12 units of item x.


Implementation and design notes:

  • Core
    • UserRegistry.cairo, design here.
    • GameEngineV1.cairo, design here.
    • MarketMaker.cairo, design here.
  • Onboarding
    • Option 1: Merkle-based L2 claim. Downside: Requires StarkNet to verify Eth1 signature (pending StarkNet implementation).
      • ownershipProof.cairo, design here.
    • Option 2: L1-L2 message bridge. Downside: Requires an L1 transaction.
      • L1toL2GamePortal.sol, design here.

How StarkNet works in brief

You install cairo-lang, use the command line tools to compile, test and deploy the contracts. The StarkNet operator(s) will receive the contract, include it in a block. They will turn the contract (which is a Cairo program) into a special structure called a trace. The trace is used to build a proof. The proofs are aggregated and sent to a solidity contract on Ethereum. The contract checks the proof and walks the StarkNet state forward. It stores enough data to allow anyone else to exit the L2 if StarkNet collapses.


Frontends, chain monitoring of events (pending StarkNet implementation), etc. will be desired (but not required).